Work has been out of control, babies, babies everywhere babies.
Literally, had no room at the inn...patients coming in labor and no more rooms for them.
At work it is not what we call "busy season" (yes there is a busy season for birthin babies)
BUT we have been so busy (good for job security, bad for exhaustion for staff and patient satisfaction).
I am getting ready to start a stretch of 3 days off and i am looking forward to it.
Needing a break.

I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE my job but....
during the last few weeks of my craziness at work, I have encountered many attitudes at my place of work. Not from patients, from staff and co- workers.
A few things happened that upset me a little, It got my mind a- spinning and those rusty wheels a-turing.
Yes we have been busy, stressed at work BUT this did not all happen because of the endless amount of patients coming through the doors.
Working with all women is hard.
Why ?
Because we are strong, opinionated, gossipy (i know not a real word) and insecure.
Why do we talk about others, quickly judge them, point out their faults?
Why do women stand apart when we should stand together?
Through a few of these experiences and listening to the sermon at church this past sunday, it occured to me that I am just as much to blame.
Gossip, judgement, lack of support, not showing Christ-like attitude or behavior.
This is NOT what God intended.
"Let your speech always be with grace, as though seasoned with salt, so that you will know how you should respond to each person"
Col 4:6 NASB
(To speak what is spiritual, wholesome, fitting, kind, sensitive, purposeful, complimentary, gentle, truthful, loving and thoughtful.-also see Eph 4:29-31- seasoned with salt. Just as salt not only flavors, but prevents corruption, the Christian's speech should act not only as a blessing to others, but as a purifying influence within the decaying society of the world.)-Taken directly from The MacArthur Study Bible-
am i letting those around me see my salty self?
1 comment:
thank you so much for this reminder! hope you get some rest!!
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