Thursday, February 9, 2012


35th Birthday. Today.
J. and the boys made it a special day.
Time with them, time alone.
I have reflected on lots this week
Felt old this week
Felt young this week...

Embrace the Camera this week.

Thats Bradys big cheese smile, thats my scary face, thats Luke making a face while brushing his teeth...after my birthday dance party with my boys.

Happy Birthday to Me.


lo @ crazy ever after said...

Happy birthday to you! I hope I have a cute, little family like you when I am 35 too. Just a couple more years so I better get a move on it. Ha!

karly from [kar[+]wade] said...

awhhh. hope you had an awesome birthday and that your family spoiled you! :)
thanks for your comment yesterday, i've been getting a lot of different opinions and I appreciate yours :) have a great weekend!

kate said...

yes Lo, you've got to get crackin! Thanks for the kind comments.

kate said...

thanks for the wishes. Ill be back to visit your blog sooon. Take care