Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Two Days

How does life get so busy that i have not posted in almost two weeks?
I worked 5 out of 6 days and then J and i celebrated our 10th anniversary with time alone for more than an evening (gasp!)
We have not had more than a night away together since B. was born ,7.5 yrs ago.
We like to be the ones to be with our little ones, we don't get a babysitter very often, we adjust our schedules so they are usually with one of us- Most of the time they tag along BUT
this past week was different....
We went to the lake for TWO (yes, count them ONE. TWO. nights).

A lot of times when we try to get a sitter or do something special life gets in the way; family drama, someone gets sick, blah, blah...
A week ago as i was packing, working, not sleeping and dealing with family drama i was waiting...

waiting for something to happen...
waiting for the other show to drop...
waiting for our plans to backfire, explode...(i know im a glass half full kind of gal)

They didn't!
well...we left two hours later than expected, my car battery died because he (oops, i mean someone) left the dome light on but with my wonderful "mr.fix-it" husband,  we got on the road in no time.
 The battery needed to be at least 14 volts before we dropped my car off for my parents to use.. cause that would be tragic if my car battery died when my parents had to transport my kids for the weekend-eyeroll

AND we finally took a breath...
thats us taking a breath..do you like my road trip hat?

We listened to our tunes and sang on the 4 hour drive...
and ate twizzlers (cause that's what we do on road trips)..

We sat by the lake and talked...

We shopped...

ate ALOT of food..

took a nap, read a book, talked about our lives for the last 10 years and what we hope for the next 10 years.

We laughed and laughed.

We reconnected.
We also sat in silence and in comfort knowing that God's plan was to bring us together as husband and wife.

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